Mar 9, 2011

Effortless Purchase Order Import!

Margrette Field, an Independent Sales Director from Vista, CA. Margrette will post a blog each Wednesday full of tips, tricks, info and advice for other consultants and directors. Be sure to check back each week!

I have a quick and very useful tip for you today! 

Are you importing your orders from Mary Kay into UW?  This is a new and improved import tool that makes it SO easy to import your orders and keep your inventory current!  Here's how you do it.  Go to and click on Estimated Wholesale Production on the center of your homepage.  Then click on the order you want to import.  At the top of that page you can highlight and copy and paste the URL.  This URL is all you need now to import your order!  Go back to UW and then go to Inventory>Order from MK>Create Purchase Order.  At the bottom of the invoicing section you will see an Import from Intouch button.  Click there and you can paste your URL and click on Import Products. YOU'RE DONE!!  Love it!    

Star Consultant deadline is coming up March 15th!!  Sell your way to STAR!  There's still time!

Pink Hugs,

Jan 20, 2011

Save the Nation with Foundation

Margrette Field, an Independent Sales Director from Vista, CA. Margrette will post a blog each Wednesday full of tips, tricks, info and advice for other consultants and directors. Be sure to check back each week!

Hello Beautiful,

Today is a BIG day in Mary Kay.  Are you ready to "Save the Nation with Foundation"?  I know I am!  As Directors and some of you Future Directors and DIQ's spent the last few days in Houston, TX getting inspired and educated on exciting updates to our product line. In particular, the new foundations!  Tomorrow, UW will have these foundations in the product list. But you don't need to wait until then to order.  Go ahead and order them online through and you an import your order when the product list has been updated!  If you are not familiar with how to import your order remember the UW Help menu on your Dashboard has all the videos or text you will need to review the simple steps to import your orders from Intouch and keep your inventory up to date!

Thank you UnitWise for the new application for our mobile phones.  I didn't take a computer with me to Houston but I was able to look up customer information on my mobile phone!  If you haven't set a bookmark for it, do so now. You'll want to have the information you need at your fingertips!   

Find your way to beautiful today!

Pink Hugs,

Jan 10, 2011

Get your Year in Gear!

Julie Potts, is an Independent Senior Sales Director from Ft Myers, FL. Julie will post a blog each Saturday full of tips, tricks, info and advice for other consultants and directors. Be sure to check back each week!

Steps for stepping it up!
1- MAKE A LIST OF EVERYONE YOU KNOW...go through your cell phone and facebook.  Write down men and women, offices, doctors, etc.  Then as you write a name...think of who they know.  Example, Albert has a mom, daughter, wife and sister.  Dr Anderson's office has nurses and he has a wife and daughter. etc.  Use a spiral notebook and leave a line per entry to track your attempts and conversations.  This book will last your through 2011, I bet.
2- CHECK YOUR DATEBOOK...know when you are available to hold appts.  Block 3 hours for party and 1.5 for makeovers.  What about your training night and other events in your area this month?  Note them all before you make calls so you have option ABC to offer her.
3- WRITE AND PRACTICE YOUR SCRIPTS...what are you offering for Hostesses in January?  What are you featuring as your Party of the Month...New Year New Looks?  Write a script and call someone to roll play at least once then start dialing for dollars.
4- CHECK YOUR INVENTORY... did you sell off too much in December without restocking?  Do you have the new products to show like the awesome Cream Eye Color?  Place an order to be ready for all your sales which equal profits.
5- HOSTESS AND RECRUITING PACKETS READY?  FACE BAGS READY? go to my website at to learn more about packets and bags.  But being prepared saves you time and frustration! 
